David Jo Bradley: ART MART

David Jo Bradley: ART MART
ART MART runs Sep 20th to 26th, Spectrum Gallery Mount Lawley

Codeine, Pt. III

quitting anytime you want has never been easier

The problem with codeine is that it gives you such a warm and gentle sensation when taken moderately; it’s the vegan brother of heroin. You remain almost completely compos mentis enough to function undetected within the boundaries of society. Taking codeine throughout the day gives everything a happy yellow glow that slowly fades with the sun. There’re no evil urges for getting completely wiped out, no hideous cold turkey to endure post binge. Just the steady, even rhythm of foggy beauty as the drug sluggishly courses through your body, winding its way along your rose coloured tributaries.

Two months I rode the codeine gravy train. The entire time I remember feeling pretty good most of the time, just sort of meandering along with whatever happened, never too concerned to let anything bother me, relaxed enough to deal with the issues of the day and with me always a sheet of pills to keep me floating somewhere near the stratosphere. But never too near: I wasn’t greedy, I wasn’t seeking savage narcotic delusion, just wanted enough to remain cool...


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